3.2  Groups

Users in Kerio Workspace can be joined into groups. A user can be a member of any number of groups. You can use this function, for example, for creating groups for individual departments in your company (Accounting, HR, Development etc.).

Groups are managed in section Accounts → Groups.

Create new group by clicking on Add.

  1. On the General tab, enter the Group name and Description which will help you to identify groups.

  2. On the Members tab, you can add users or other groups. Thus, you can effectively combine access rights to your content.

  3. On the Rights tab, you can assign the group the same rights as to users (see section 3.1  Users).


When you delete a group, you can select another user or group that will inherit the access rights to the content. Bear in mind, that deleted groups are not deleted from the server and you can later restore them.