2.3  Linux — Debian

For supported distribution, check http://www.kerio.com/workspace/technical-specifications.

New installation

Download the appropriate installation package and launch the installation.

Use the following instructions to install the product under the root user:

# dpkg -i kerio-workspace-1.x.x-1270.deb

In case of missing dependencies, the installation indicates an error. To fix it, use the following command:

# apt-get -f install

This command installs the missing dependencies and finishes the installation. You are then offered the possibility to run a configuration wizard where you can configure the administration account for login to the server and the path to the data store (see section 2.6  Configuration Wizard).

Starting and stopping the server

In folder /etc/init.d, the kerio-workspace-application and kerio-workspace-rendering scripts are created. They ensure the automatic start of the services after the system start. You can manually start and stop both services using the following commands:

/etc/init.d/kerio-workspace-application start

/etc/init.d/kerio-workspace-rendering start

/etc/init.d/kerio-workspace-application stop

/etc/init.d/kerio-workspace-rendering stop

B/etc/init.d/kerio-workspace-application restart

/etc/init.d/kerio-workspace-rendering restart


The scripts must be run under user root.


If you need to uninstall the product, use the following commands:

apt-get remove kerio-workspace

If you also use the --purge parameter, all configuration files and data store will be removed.