4.1  The User Space Hierarchy

Primary Kerio Workspace elements are:

Their hierarchy is important in sharing (inheritance of user rights) and overall organization.


Spaces are similar to folders or directories. Each user may create any number of Spaces. They may be shared with other users who may have different levels of rights (Reader, Contributor or Admin (see chapter 4.3  Sharing).

In each space, you can create other nested spaces (see figure 4.1  Spaces and pages have their hierarchy).

Spaces and pages have their hierarchy

Figure 4.1. Spaces and pages have their hierarchy

To create a new space of the highest level click on the Create a New Space button (figure 4.2  Creating new space). Enter the name for the space. Enter description for better reference.

Creating new space

Figure 4.2. Creating new space


Pages are a corner stone of the Kerio Workspace application. They are full HTML documents in which you can combine:

  • text (formatted)

  • images

  • videos

  • hypertext links

  • files in any format

  • external content (maps, youtube videos, etc.)

User's space

Figure 4.3. User's space